How to Introduce Your Family to CBD
How to Introduce Your Family to CBD
Plus a handy CBD gift guide!
CBD is a hot topic, and makes a great gift. Many first-time cannabis users are intrigued by the health benefits and calming effects of CBD. That being said, you may have some old-school family members with reservations or questions about how it all works. We cover how to introduce CBD to your family and provide a helpful gift guide for new users below.
What is CBD?
First up, what is CBD, and how is it different from THC or marijuana? CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a medicinal plant compound found in cannabis, derived from hemp. Cannabinoids are naturally occuring in the human body, and supplementing with hemp-derived CBD is reported to help with relaxation, focus, and whole-body health. Unlike THC, the chemical compound most discussed in marijuana, CBD does not have psychoactive effects. CBD is legal in all 50 U.S. states.
How to Introduce CBD to Your Friends and Family:
Which CBD products are Best for First-Timers?
CBD Gift Guide for Your Family
- Cooling Cream: Quick, natural pain relief for swollen joints and sore muscles. With a refreshing cool feel and fast-acting inflammation reduction, cooling cream is a safe and easy gift for someone like grandpa, who may have never tried CBD before.
- CBD Isolate Gummies: CBD bites in lemon flavor are a perfect introductory gift. These tasty gummies are 25mg of pure CBD isolate and can be taken everyday like a daily vitamin.
- Full-Spectrum Tincture: Full-Spectrum CBD offers an extra daily boost with terpenes, cannabinoids, flavonoids, THC (< 0.3%), and other phytochemicals. This is a great gift for an experienced user who would like to conquer each day with clarity and calm.
- Soaking Salts: Nothing screams luxury and self-care like CBD Bath Salts. Great for athletes, supermoms, or anyone needing a little love this holiday season. Soaking Salts boast powerful ingredients that help to hydrate your skin, soothe sore muscles, and forget the day’s worries.
- Restful Night: A powerhouse blend of CBD isolate, melatonin, and magnesium, Restful Night capsules help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and productive.
Have any questions about CBD or these products? Send us a message at support@venacbd.com
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