Routines, Healthy Habits, and Why They're Important

Routines, Healthy Habits, and Why They're Important

How daily habits dictate your overall health

To say it has been a tumultuous year is an understatement. With a global pandemic came massive changes in our daily lives with homeschooling, remote learning, and balancing work and health. Our normal routines have certainly taken a hit!

Hope is not lost. In times of such uncertainty, it is important for us to be kind to ourselves and examine how structure and routine can support our mental and physical health despite the challenging times.

According to Psychology Today, routines can positively impact your mental health by decreasing stress and helping your sleep cycle (Plata 2018). What you put into your body, and when you do it, can bring down your cortisone levels and lift up your spirits. With so many things outside of your control, one thing that is solely yours is your daily routine.

We examine how daily habits help dictate your overall health, and what you can do to set and stick with daily habits that make you happy.

Healthy Habits

According to experts, forming healthy habits can add a sense of calm and stability to an otherwise stressful day. One of the best ways to be kind to yourself is to give yourself structure and routine to help quell anxieties around uncertainty. 

Adopting a daily routine is reported to have some major health benefits including:

  • Supporting overall mental health
  • Regulating sleep cycles
  • Keeping stress levels low
  • Improving brain function
  • Easing tension

Stress can cause issues with both mental and physical health; we’ve all seen how stress can cause stomach aches and make sleeping feel impossible. Ultimately, a lot of our stresses come from fear and anxiety about the unknown. This is why forming healthy habits to integrate into your daily routine is a major wellness boost.

How to Make Habits Stick

According to the theory of Atomic Habits, you can use small incremental changes to your daily routine to improve your overall health and wellness. On average, it is said that it takes about 21 days to form a habit.

That’s just three weeks for you to add structure and calm to your daily routine. The best advice is to start small. Maybe it is a 5 minute morning meditation, a short walk after lunch, or incorporating more veggies, vitamins, and supplements into your daily routine. During cold and flu season, a great addition to your routine could be immune system support.

The important part is to choose an achievable goal and set your intention to complete it for 3 weeks in a row. From there, you can figure out what works best for you and adjust accordingly. Maybe you liked meditating before bed instead of in the morning? Maybe you found a great supplement to add to your breakfast? Achievable goals and stable routines will boost your overall health during stressful times.

Choose the Right Routine for You

Everybody is different, and we celebrate that! Do not compare your daily routine to others you see on your news feed. Starting small can make a positive impact on your mental health. Did you skip a day in your goal routine? No problem. Just keep moving forward.

With routines in mind, Vena Core products are designed like a daily vitamin to maximize your potential and minimize your stress through the power of CBD. Adding CBD to your daily routine can offer anti-stress, anti-inflammatory benefits that become even more powerful the longer you stick with it.

All in all, look to forming healthy habits and sticking to a daily routine to fight the stress and anxiety that come with living in 2020.

Looking for new ways to boost your daily routine? Ask us a question at! We are here to help.

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