Why CBD is an Essential Part of Your Skincare Routine
Even if you're Beyonce, no skin-type is immune to the daily wear and tear of internal and external factors. Climate, travel, hormones, sunshine, stress, pollution, and harsh products all influence your skin's ability to operate at its best. So, how does one achieve the elusive perfect complexion? Great question!
Though there isn’t one resounding answer to this question, people have used plant-based skin remedies for thousands of years to promote glowing, healthy skin. CBD has recently come to the forefront of the skincare industry and in this article, we investigate the benefits of adding CBD to your skincare routine.
First of all, what is CBD?
Just a little refresher. Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, is one of the 100+ chemical compounds that have been isolated from hemp plants. These diverse chemical compounds, called Cannabinoids, are known for their medicinal properties that provide a myriad of benefits.
There’s no doubt that CBD is a powerful phytochemical with ample healing benefits for the body and mind, but how can it improve your skin?
The Benefits of CBD for the Skin
CBD is the “it girl” of the skincare industry right now and we couldn't be more excited about it. Just like the assistance CBD offers when ingested, it has similar calming benefits when applied topically to your skin. This powerful plant-derived compound engages so harmoniously with the skin that it not only helps calm and soothe irritated skin, but also helps to regulate sebum levels (fighting acne!) and also fights free radicals to keep skin safe from external stressors that age skin. Whether you experience redness, irritation, dullness, dryness, acne, or simply are looking to keep your skin in its most balanced, healthy state try including CBD in your skincare routine. Think: powerful plant-based superfood, but for your skin! Check out some science-backed benefits below.
Struggling with acne-prone skin? We know what a bummer that can be. A study done by The Journal of Clinical Investigation found that CBD is a “promising therapeutic agent” for acne treatment. These researchers measured the effects of CBD compounds on actual human skin samples and oil-producing glands. They found that CBD had anti-inflammatory effects on oil-producing glands and inhibited oil production. One step closer to saying goodbye to pesky blemishes and hello to clearer skin!
A great thing about CBD, is that it can be used on any skin type, even the most sensitive or delicate skin. According to many studies, a promising use for CBD is for the treatment of itchy, dry or irritated skin. The National Library of Medicine published a 2005 study that found 81 percent of hemodialysis patients with itchy skin who used a cream containing CBD experienced complete resolution of their symptoms. The calming and soothing effects that ingesting CBD has can be mirrored in its topical effects.
The root cause of many skin problems is an imbalance of some sort. One of CBD’s claims to fame is returning balance to the body when systems become out of sync and this includes our skin. CBD helps the skin's Endocannabinoid system (read about the ECS here if you need a refresher) keep the entire organ stay in balance. One example of this is helping balance excess oil and enough hydration. Just like us, our skin is always on the search for balance!
What Should You Look for when Buying CBD Infused Skincare?
The first step towards including CBD in your skin care regimen is finding the right products for you. Make sure you do your own research! Ensure that the brand is transparent about the potency of their CBD and always look at the ingredients list. Because of CBD’s newfound popularity, some brands are “greenwashing” their products, misleading consumers into thinking their products have CBD in them when in fact they don't contain any. Knowledge is power!
Vena’s new line of skincare includes the perfect blend of botanicals, adaptogens and CBD to deliver the pampering your skin wants and deserves.
It’s Time to Get Hy(rated)
Many individuals are moving away from solely chemical or synthetic skincare and are adding natural or plant-based alternatives to their routine. If you’re suffering from irritable, sensitive, acne-prone, or aging skin (or just need a little calm in your life) consider adding CBD to your skincare regimen. Remember to drink lots of water, eat healthy fats and leafy greens, and of course to wear sunscreen too! Let’s get hy(drated)!
CBD experts by day, skincare enthusiasts by night, we want to chat about it ALL! Have a question about any of the above!? Leave a question or comment below, or reach out to us directly at support@venacbd.com.